Thursday, 24 September 2015

Lunch, Visits, Skype


Today best lunch in a long time. Reallyyyy yummy! Not in the pic was a bowl of sambal and one extra chicken :DDD

Visit #1 (KY, Ju, Kai)

Lunch (missing from the pic is a buttload of sambal and extra chicken) YUMMSSS 
Ju, Kai, Ky

Shopping God, Kai, Me and KY
Ju said he wants to be in all the photos. hahaha. Let's see if he will be since we missed Jay and Hun's photo. >< Nice catching up with you guys. And thanks for the fruits! 

Visit #2 (Penny & Catan box)

Winner as usual = me. Haha, Thanks for the mooncakes penny!

Felicia's Bimbo Skype Moment

Felicia : *sings* Feels so cold right now

Andrew : Whut??

Felicia : You remember that Calvin Harris song? Feel so cold something something.

Andrew : -.- Feels so close la wtfffffff

Felicia : Oh yaaaaaaaaaaa! lololololo 

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